Create reports using JavaScript Remoting and DataTables in Salesforce

Learn how to create custom reports with ease and view the data with a friendly user interface

Julio Pescador

I’ve recently been using DataTables at work for a project which has been useful for all the features it provides such as pagination, instant search, multi column ordering, toggle column visibility, and fixed columns. In fact, I thought to myself why not try to utilize DataTables with standard Salesforce reports . Unfortunately, there are limitations to this approach. The first thing that comes to mind is that the “Reports API only returns up to the first 2,000 report rows.” Alas, the suggestion is to “narrow results using filters”  for now.

Using Merge Fields in Salesforce Email Templates

Learn how to integrate dynamic content in a Salesforce email template and how to reference values from a lookup relationship

Julio Pescador

One of the neat functionalities in Salesforce is the ability to send an email through an automated process such as workflow rules, process builder, or even Apex code. You can even personalize the email using dynamic content called merge fields. For example, we can add a person’s first name, order number, application number, or other relevant information pertaining to the email. In this lesson we will cover how to use merge fields in an email template.

Future Imperfect Theme Release on the Go Hugo Static Website Engine

Check out this new theme on Hugo tailored for blogging

Julio Pescador

Hello everyone, I am excited to announce the release of a new theme available on the static website engine, Hugo . This is my first theme I have ever created so be gentle. The theme, Hugo Future Imperfect , is available on the theme showcase section of the Hugo website. The theme’s name is also no coincidence. It happens to be a port of a theme available on HTML5 UP . Let’s go over what this theme can do for you.

Leverage shortcodes in Hugo

Learn some useful tips without having to embed HTML in your markdown

Julio Pescador

I’ve been trying out Hugo recently for my website which is a great and fun tool to use. There is a particular feature that you can use which I find to be very helpful. This feature is called shortcodes . What are shortcodes exactly? Here is a brief explanation from their website:

Hugo uses Markdown for its simple content format. However, there are a lot of things that Markdown doesn’t support well. We are unwilling to accept being constrained by our simple format. Also unacceptable is writing raw HTML in our Markdown every time we want to include unsupported content such as a video…
To avoid both of these limitations, Hugo created shortcodes.
A shortcode is a simple snippet inside a content file that Hugo will render using a predefined template.

Use the sforce Metadata API to get managed object permissions

Learn how to retrieve metadata permissions from a managed object and deploy it on Salesforce

Julio Pescador

Have you ever wondered how you can migrate permissions of a managed object to a targeted environment on Salesforce? It’s not Change Sets , but do not fear. That doesn’t mean you have to configure the permissions again manually. What we’ll be leveraging is a combination of MavensMate and the Migration tool. I mentioned permissions, but what do I mean by that? What I am referring to are the crud permissions and field level security from the managed object that is tied to a permission set or profile.